Brain Injury Awareness Ribbon Pins

Colorful jewelry-quality cloissone enameled metal pins that show your support for Brain Injury awareness! Most of these Brain Injury Awareness Ribbon pin styles can be purchases individually or in bulk quantity discounts for fundraising events.

Green Awareness Walk Pin

Green Awareness Walk Pin

Our Green Ribbon Walk Lapel Pin is perfect for Bone Marrow, Cerebral Palsy, Childhood Depression, Green Ribbon Day, Children Mental health, Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, Depression, Donate Life (organ donation), Kidney Disease, Leukemia and Lymphoma, Organ/Tissue Donation, World Kidney Day Awareness Walks and Fundraisers. A great pin for a cause that calls for the symbolic green ribbon. Nickel Plated with a great bold green color and "feet" to symbolize the efforts and support given to your cause. Each pin is individually poly bagged and comes with a standard clutch back.

More awareness pins, lanyards, bracelets, keychains, etc at PinMart.