Animal Rights Awareness Checks
Spread Animal Rights awareness and show your support for the cause. These Awareness check designs are imprinted with your name and bank account number for use with any U.S. bank checking account. And most cost less than what the banks charge to reorder checks.
Animal Abuse Awareness Ribbon Checks
These checks feature a purple ribbon with the outline of a dog and a cat.

Animal Legal Defense Fund Checks
Founded in 1979 by attorneys active in shaping the emerging field of animal law, ALDF has blazed the trail for stronger enforcement of anti-cruelty laws and more humane treatment of animals in every corner of American life.

Farm Sanctuary - A Compassionate World Begins with You Checks
Since Farm Sanctuary began in 1986, they have worked to expose and stop the cruel practices of the "food animal" industry through undercover investigations, legal and legislative actions, public awareness projects, youth education and outreach programs, and direct rescue and refuge efforts. Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading voice for farm animals ... thanks to people who care enough to become a Farm Sanctuary member

PETA Stop Animal Testing Checks
PETA's mission is to promote a cruelty-free world. Your support will help stop animal testing, put an end to the senseless deaths of fur-bearing animals, and expose the meat and dairy industries' cruel and violent treatment of animals.

Rescued is My Breed of Choice Checks
Four unique designs each capture a different dog playing with a toy or just being adorable. A portion of the proceeds from your order will be donated to a national no-kill animal shelter.

Rescued is Something to Purr About Checks
Four adorable designs feature a portrait of a rescued cat paired with a heartwarming sentiment about rescues.

Support Your Local Humane Society - Cat Checks
You can help bring awareness to the importance of your local humane society and their efforts to help find good homes for helpless animals.

Support Your Local Humane Society - Dog Checks
