Healthy Eating Awareness Checks
Spread Healthy Eating awareness and show your support for the cause. These Awareness check designs are imprinted with your name and bank account number for use with any U.S. bank checking account. And most cost less than what the banks charge to reorder checks.
Carbs Personal Checks
Need a daily reminder about your carbohydrate intake? Then these are the personal checks for you. Literally spelt out with breads and pastas, you'll keep your diet close to you at all times, in your wallet!

Diet Busters Personal Checks
These dessert checks will leave you craving more with the sight of these four mouth-watering sweets! You no longer have to resist the temptation of chocolate and ice cream!

Fruits for Health Checks
This original design featuring attractive watercolor illustrations was created by an artist who is a big believer in the raw food diet.

Healthy Local And Green Personal Checks
Healthy Local and Green Personal Checks - Buying local means buying fresh - Put these green buy local reminders out in your community with every check you write! You can help to be part of the solution with Healthy Local and Green Personal checks!

Vegan and Vegetarian Personal Checks
Share your awareness of, and commitment to, healthy and proper nutrition
